Measure Water Level & Draw Down
- 4 mm (0.157") or 10 mm (3/8") diameter stainless steel probes
- P10 has segmented weights for flexibility
- LED Light and loud buzzer indicates water level
- Adjust sensitivity to suit your application
The Laser Marked Model 102 Water Level Indicator is designed to accurately measure groundwater levels in small diameter applications.
The 102M Mini Water Level Indicator is available (lengths of 80 ft or 25 m).
Spohr Lightweight Water Level Meter
Spohr Lightweight Water Level Meters are designed for fast and reliable measurements of water levels in wells, boreholes, observation tubes, tanks, surface water, etc.
The Water Level Meters feature a compact, lightweight plastic reel and frame, making them easy to transport and use in the field.
Flat Tape Water Level Meters
- Extremely durable PVDF flat tapes
- Tapes are laser marked every 1/100 ft or mm
- Tape lengths to 5000 ft (1500 m)
- Pressure-proof P7 Probe for total well depths up to 1000 ft
Water Sampling Peristaltic Pumps
The Model 410 Peristaltic Pump is rugged, compact and lightweight.
- Variable flow rates from 40 ml/min to 3.5L/min
- Reversible flow
- 12V power source to operate